Tepuis and mystery

Get to know the Amazon jungle, with its mighty rivers and ancestral peoples who have cared for and inhabited these lungs of the world since immemorial time. Discover the magnificent tepuis (a kind of plateau with vertical walls. Tepuy is a word that in indigenous language means home of the gods), while you experience nature in all its splendor.

7 days and 6 nights journey

684 km from Bogotá

Barazano, Cubeo,  Kabiyari, Taywano, Tatuyo communities

Lodging, food and transportation in the territory

Amazon jungle

The path of the Anaconda

Expedition Date: 

26th March to 1st of April  2024

6th to 12th June 2024

Feel free to contact us if you need  another date.

During this journey we will have the opportunity to live a unique experience in a territory with very little contact with the western way of life. You will be able to get to know the mighty Apaporis River and share traditional festivals within the Activa Reservation (which includes the Kabyari, Tatuyo, Taywano, Barazano, Cubeo ethnic groups).

$2.250 USD

Connection and adventure expedition!

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Through this immersion experience in the powerful territory of Vaupés, you will have the opportunity to get to know the jungles, rivers, and people who have inhabited these lands since ancient times.

Crossed by the immense Apaporis River, the Vaupés has been the scene of botanical expeditions (the last one in 2018) and anthropological work since 1940 to meet and learn from the more than 27 indigenous groups that inhabit the territory.

In the Vaupés, we find the Tepuis, geological formations thousands of years old, sacred places for ancestral peoples and home to endemic species that only exist in Colombia.


  • Watch the setting sun at Tepuy Cerro Morroco
  • Get to know the cave paintings of the Tepuy de Guaire-Aricú
  • Sharing a ceremonial dance of the men and women of the Yuruparí
  • Dawn where the Cananarí river with the Apaporis river meet

In this journey we talk about objectives and not about the itinerary, because being an expedition in a very remote place, without internet or cell phone and with aspects that depend on weather conditions, there are always challenges and conditions that lead us to flow.

Second, in these places we are always subject to permits from the territorial and spiritual authorities of the indigenous communities and the territory. As organizers of the expedition, we take all preconditions to ensure the group meets 100% of the objectives; however, achieving 100% of the objectives is something that cannot be guaranteed.

Objective 1: See the sunset in “La Ventana del Mundo” (the window of the world)

For many Amazonian ethnic groups, the tepuis have a sacred character, as places that keep the souls of all living beings that inhabit the territory and the memory of their ancestors in pictograms that are thousands of years old.

The indigenous authorities have given us permission to visit the beautiful Guaire-Aricú tepuy, or Morroco hill. It is a very special place and very sensitive to visits. That is why you have to go with an open disposition, with a beautiful thought, and not leave or take anything. Not even a pebble.

OBJECTIVE 2: Know the cave paintings of the Tepuy of Guaire-Aricú

On the north-eastern face, the tepuy keeps a hidden secret: a wall with hundreds of paintings dating from 2,000 to 4,000 years old. To access this area, it is necessary to hike along the entire slope of the tepuy, passing through ravines that descend from the upper part and listening to the singing of the macaws that nest on the rock walls.

This is a unique opportunity. It is one of the few places in the world where you can visit rock art accompanied by the direct heirs of the people who made these paintings generations ago. The place, in addition to having the enigmatic paintings, has a panoramic view over the jungle.

OBJECTIVE 3: Share a ceremonial dance of the men and women of the Yuruparí

Beyond a trip, this is a call and an invitation to participate in a magical and spontaneous event (which until very recently was reserved only for people from the community), which is in danger of extinction and which is an intangible heritage of humanity: the Sacred Dance of the Men and Women of the Yuruparí.

In these ceremonies, ancient mythical events that have been passed down from generation to generation and that are not written down are narrated. The spirits of the jungle are thanked for the abundance, plants and sacred songs are used to establish a connection with the cosmos.

This ceremony has different dynamics, durations and rules depending on what is being celebrated or appreciated. Depending on the date of the trip, the Payés (spiritual leaders) determine the type of ceremony to be performed.

OBJECTIVE 4: Dawn at the meeting place of the Cananarí river with the Apaporis river

According to the divine worldview of the Barazanos (indigenous ethnic group that inhabits the Piraparaná River), rivers (or Riga in the Barazana language) are the veins of the earth, and their waters are the lifeblood that irrigates the planet. In the expedition, we will be navigating the waters of the Cananarí River that flows into the Apaporis River, that flows from the Chiribiquete further upstream.

These two rivers have their own magic. Due to the effect of the tannins that their waters carry, the rivers in this area form a mirror that reflects the jungle and the sky. It is a spectacle worth watching, especially with the colors of the jungle sunrise.

  • Private Charter flight: Mitu – Buenos Aires – Mitu.
  • Breakfasts, lunches and dinners within the expedition from Mitú.
  • Navigation motor boat for 5 days.
  • Gasoline for navigations.
  • Contributions to the wisemen and shamans (in objects and in money).
  • Permits and payments for lodging nights in the communities of Morroco and Buenos Aires.
  • One night of accommodation in a basic hotel in Mitú.
  • Tour Leader of the Expedition.
  • 2 local guides during the entire expedition in the Apaporis.
  • Permits and income contributions for the hike to the Sacred Hill of Morroco and its cave paintings.
  • Cook and fisherman for day 2 and 3 of the field trip.
  • Round trip transfer from the Mitú airport to the hotel.
  • Hike with a local guide to Cerro Urania in Mitú.
  • COP $1,500,000 in contributions of gifts for the entire community
  • Medical Assistance Insurance (does not cover the Apaporis region. Only in Mitú)
  • Air rescue insurance (in case we have to airlift you from a remote location)
  • Flights with Satena: Bogotá – Mitú – Bogotá (between USD$100 and USD$135).
  • Snacks.
  • Expenses not stipulated in the inclusions.
  • Airport taxes.
  • Cost overruns due to flight delays or causes external to the organizers of the expedition.


  • A change of clothes for traveling on flights and land.
  • A change of clothes for walking (long pants that become bermuda shorts, long-sleeved shirt).
  • Change of clothes for sleeping.
  • Environmentally friendly personal hygiene items (kleenex, toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, repellent, sunscreen, medications).
  • Footwear: gum boots are recommended for walks in the jungle, water resistant tie up sandals for the rest of the trip. Light tennis shoes that take up little space for the flights.
  • Sleeping: expedition hammock with its respective ropes and a mosquito net for the hammock. In case of not being able to sleep in a hammock, a small tent and a camping inflatable matress.
  • Important: bring a blanket to sleep. It’s cold at night and early in the morning (can get down to around 10 degrees c).
  • Bathing suit and a small quick-drying towel or a pareo.
  • Poncho (rain cape) or waterproof jacket.
  • Waterbottle (with water purification system or tablets).
  • Sun cap or hat.




  • Headlamp and spare battery.
  • Solar Powerbank (preferably to charge your camera and cell phone batteries).
  • Binoculars
  • Knife or a pocket knife.
  • To reserve a place, you must fill out an application form. Once it has been approved a deposit of  50% of the value of the trip is payable on receipt of the invoice. The balance of the trip must be paid no later than 8 days before the trip.
    • A trip cancellation must be made 5 days prior to the departure date, 90% of the reservation deposit will then be returned. If cancellation is made 4 days before departure no money will be refunded.If cancellation is made 4 days or less before departure no money will be refunded.
    • In case of a client not showing up to the tour, no reimbursement will be made.
    • If for unforeseen circumstances (climate changes, natural disasters, landslides, mishaps in air, land or river transport) the trip must be cancelled before leaving Bogotá, 90% of the reservation deposit will be returned.
  • Travelers are expected to have an impeccable level of respect for nature, communities and their ways of life, and understanding of the universe. You cannot leave a cigarette butt, nor take even a pebble. This trip has a very low comfort level. We will be in very remote places with difficult access, so we have to be prepared. Although we will sleep sheltered, we will be moving around a lot and traveling light is a must.
  • To sleep, everyone must bring their hammock with a mosquito net or, if they prefer, a tent (without stakes) and a camping mat and be able to carry everything in their backpack. For this reason, we recommend the hammock to minimize the volume and weight that we will carry to reduce fatigue when walking.
  • As for food, we will eat what the locals eat (based on fish, flour and vegetables). If you have a specific diet you will have to bring your own food.
  • The level of physical demand is medium. We must carry our backpacks for journeys of up to 2 hours of walking through the jungle on irregular terrain (it is possible to hire an additional porter).
  • The chances of consuming untreated water are very high. Although the waters of this territory are not polluted, we cannot guarantee that the water consumed will be 100% treated. We do our best to have boiled water, but travelers who are very sensitive to water are advised to have their own water treatment device. If you are not willing to consume untreated water, it is better that you consider not applying to this journey. There are very few points where we have bathrooms. You will most likely have to go to the bathroom in nature (in the jungle, no toilet, no walls).
  • Before each trip there is an information call in which you can ask all the questions you want before making the decision to join. Fill the application form so we can contact you!

Pople talk about us...

Lucinda Vriner
Lucinda VrinerTraveler
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"So many things to thank you for… you never let go of my hand… you were quick to notice if I had any needs… from providing filtered water, to coffee, to chairs, to photographer, to climbing partner, to knowing I would love the ceramics… to every cheerful good morning. I felt safe and protected and guided in your care. I especially am grateful for all you taught me of this jungle you love and its people. I will carry your passion for knowing more of these remote communities… I will be forever grateful that we share this journey"
Javier Guillot
Javier Guillot@guillotjav
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“Some experiences truly go beyond what words can capture — this journey was one of them! A one-of-a-kind immersion into the web of life and the strings of humanity that hold us together. Made possible by careful planning and deeply collaborative work with local communities that strive to conserve nature and culture. So grateful!”
Julie Robinson
Julie RobinsonTraveler
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“It was not just a trip, it was a path of awakening and connection with my inner self.”

Location of this experience:

Book now and have a dream journey!

Do not miss the opportunity to live a unique experience in a territory of incomparable beauty and magic, that has been protected for millennia by its native guardians (who believe that this place is key to the natural and energetic balance of the planet). The purpose of this Journey is to harmonize the relationship between the natural world, the ancestral indigenous wisdom and the globalized society through each traveler.

$2.250 USD

With us you will Dream Travel Laugh Breathe  Experience freedom Awake

" Travel with Dream Journeys and connect with your essence"

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