The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1979. This mountainous system, home to ancestral communities, boasts beautiful landscapes ranging from perpetual snow to foamy waves. It preserves the wisdom of ancient traditions and the magic of nature.

4 days Journey

954 km from Bogotá 

Includes Lunch and Dinner

Accomodation& Transport

Arhuaca Community 

Explore ancestral paths

Expedition Date: 1th to 3th of March 2024

Feel free to contact us if you need  another date.

During this journey, you will have the opportunity to explore ancestral paths that have remained active since before the Spanish conquest and colonization. Discover the living tradition through direct contact with communities amidst freshwater rivers and ancient trees, close to the sea and the stars.

$700 USD

Connection and adventure expedition!

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The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a mountainous system with peaks over 5,000 meters high, encompassing a wide range of ecosystems from dry and warm to perpetual snow. It is also a hydrographic star where rivers originate and flow towards the northern, western, and southeastern slopes.

Its basins are characterized by their natural exuberance and immense beauty. Being the only coastal range in the world where mountains and snow-capped peaks are so close to the sea, it encompasses all climates and a marvellous wealth of biodiversity, ecosystems, hydrography, fauna, and flora.

In addition to the indigenous communities who protect and care for nature through ancient ways of life, the Sierra Nevada is currently home to over 30,000 indigenous people who are direct descendants of the ancient Tayrona civilization. These communities include the Kogui, Wiwa, Arhuaco, and Kankuamo, who continue to preserve sustainable customs and traditions.

  • DAY 01: EXPLORING KATANZAMA: Early morning arrival at Santa Marta airport and transfer to the municipality of Perico Aguado. Check-in and lunch at our accommodation. Transfer to Katanzama, welcome, and tour of the indigenous reserve, including sacred sites. Ceremony of “aseguranza” (spiritual protection) with the Mamo (spiritual leader) of the community. Return to the accommodation, dinner, and night of bonfire and knowledge-sharing dialogues with the Arhuaco culture.
  • DAY 02: Breakfast and transfer by motorcycle to the Don Diego River crossing. Tour of Kandumake and hike to Bunkuiwmake (approximately 3 hours). Arrival at the accommodation, lunch, and rest. Welcome talk by Mamo Nemias, ceremony of “aseguranzas,” and tour of Bunkuimake. Dinner.
  • DAY 03: Greeting the sun: Marneiku (Before breakfast, the indigenous people engage in productive activities such as collecting firewood). Breakfast and participation in daily activities of the community. Lunch, afternoon at the river, dinner, and night of traditional dance and music.
  • DAY 04: Greeting the sun: Marneiku. Breakfast and farewell from Mamo Nemias. Hike back to Don Diego (approximately 6 hours) Lunch, Weaving Art craft, farewell and transfer back to Santa Marta.
  • Transfer from Santa Marta airport to Perico Aguado and return. 
  • Accommodation in hammocks or camping throughout the journey. 
  • All transportation related to the activities described in the itinerary. 
  • All meals from lunch. You will have the opportunity to try traditional dishes of the indigenous people of the region. 
  • Crossing of the Don Diego River. 
  • Visits to the villages of Katanzama, Kandumake and Bunkuimake. 
  • Entrance fees and contributions to the communities of Katanzama, Kandumake and Bunkuimake. 
  • Contributions to the Mamos (spiritual leaders) of the communities of Katanzama, Bunkuimake. 
  • 2 welcome rituals and “aseguranzas” (spiritual protection) by the Mamos. 
  • Cleansing ritual with a Mamo from one of the visited communities. 
  • Bonfires and knowledge-sharing circles of the culture. 
  • Visit to the Don Dieguito River. 
  • Visit and process of cacao in a traditional farm. 
  • Mules for luggage and expedition provisions. 
  • Local guidance throughout the journey. 
  • Accompaniment and guidance throughout the journey. 
  • Travel assistance insurance.
  • Air tickets from the tourist’s place of origin to Santa Marta. 
  • Unforeseen expenses, tips, personal expenses, snacks, and services not specified in the program. 
  • Personalized healing and cleansing processes, these contributions are made directly to the Mamo. 
  • Additional costs due to factors beyond the organizers’ control. 
  • Mule rental fee of $110,000 per mule per day, if required.
  • Backpack and a small daypack for hikes. 
  • Hammock (essential) and mosquito net. Alternatively, you can bring a camping tent and a sleeping mat for sleeping in the reserve. 
  • Natural insect repellent (preferably a blend of lavender, tobacco, and citronella) and Johnson’s 
  • Baby Oil to repel ticks. 
  • Sunscreen. 
  • Comfortable walking shoes, preferably waterproof. 
  • Blanket / Sleeping bag.
  • Raincoat. 
  • Clothing suitable for cooler weather, including long-sleeved garments. Preferably quick-drying clothes such as dry-fit or similar. 
  • Sun hat. 
  • Swimsuit. 
  • Flip-flops (can be useful). 
  • Flashlight. 
  • Personal hygiene items (environmentally friendly, please). 
  • Optional for those bringing camping equipment: small dome tents (2-person), sleeping pad, and extra blanket.
  • To reserve a place, you must fill out an application form. Once it has been approved a deposit of  50% of the value of the trip is payable on receipt of the invoice. The balance of the trip must be paid no later than 8 days before the trip.
    • A trip cancellation must be made 8 days prior to the departure date, 90% of the reservation deposit will then be returned.
    • When booking for one of the open group tours, any cancellation affecting the minimum number of 4 travelers, the following applie:. 
    • If one traveler or more cancels their travel experience from between 6 to 8 to 6 days prior to the departure of the trip, 70% of the value of the tour will be refunded.
    • If one traveler or more cancels their experience 2 to 5 days before the trip, 50% of the value of the tour will be refunded.
    • If a traveler cancels their experience 24 hours before the trip, no reimbursement will be made.
    • In case of a client not showing up to the tour, no reimbursement will be made.
    • If for unforeseen circumstances (climate changes, natural disasters, landslides, mishaps in air, land or river transport) the trip must be cancelled before leaving Bogotá, 90% of the reservation deposit will be returned.
    • Travelers are expected to show impeccable respect for nature, communities, and their ways of life and understanding of the universe. Not a single cigarette butt should be left behind, and no stones should be taken. This trip has a very low level of comfort. We will be in very remote and difficult-to-access places, so we need to be prepared. Although we will sleep in protected areas, we will be on the move a lot and travelling light.
    • For sleeping, each person should bring their own hammock with a mosquito net or, if preferred, a tent (without stakes) and sleeping mat. The walking distances can be long, which is why we recommend the hammock to minimize volume and weight.
    • Regarding food, we will eat what the locals eat. If you have a specific diet, you will need to bring your own food.
    • The physical demands are moderate to high. We will need to carry our daypacks for walks of up to 6 hours in uneven terrain through tropical forests.
    • The chances of consuming untreated water are high. While the water in this area is not polluted, we cannot guarantee that all water consumed will be 100% treated. We do our best to provide boiled water, but travellers who are particularly sensitive to water are advised to bring their own water treatment kits.
    • If you are not willing to consume untreated water, it is best to consider not applying for this journey.
    • There are very few points with bathroom facilities. It is highly likely that you will have to use the bathroom in a natural setting (in the forest, without a toilet, without walls).
    • Before each trip, there is an informative call where you can ask all the questions you want before making the decision to join. Please fill out the application form to get in touch!

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Location of this experience:

Apply now and live a dream journey!

Discover the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a Biosphere Reserve declared by UNESCO. Immerse yourself in ancestral wisdom and the magic of nature during a 4-day journey. Explore ancient paths, meet indigenous communities, enjoy the diversity of ecosystems, and participate in assurance ceremonies. Experience authentic moments, from sunrise greetings to traditional dances and music. Connect with the essence of the Earth and book now for a transformative expedition in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

$700 USD

With us you will Dream Travel Laugh Breathe  Experience freedom Awake

"Travel with Dream Journeys and connect with your essence."

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