Discover the magic

Visit majestic landscapes, sharing with the communities that inhabit them as living and ancestral guardians of the territories. Let yourself be touched by the wisdom and beauty that is experienced by being surrounded by nature.

Jungle and rivers

4 to 10 days

Ancestral Travel

From $640 USD

Welcome to a unique experience where the jungle invites you to contemplate its beauty and vastness while connecting with your essence. You will have the opportunity to explore the territory, interact with the indigenous Inga community, and be dazzled by the natural wonders that Putumayo has to offer.

Tepuis and mystery

7 Days

Amazon Jungle

From $2250 USD

Discover the Amazon rainforest with its mighty rivers and the ancestral villages that have cared for and inhabited this world’s lung since time immemorial.

Deep jungle splendor

4 Days

Amazon Jungle

From $750 USD

Uncover the Guiana Shield in the deep jungle of Guainía, in a magical encounter with ancestral culture and the astonishing Tepuyes.

Mountains and seas

4 Days

Sierra Nevada

From $700 USD

Explore the heart of the world, named so for the four ethnic groups that inhabit it. Get to know this biosphere reserve, where we find everything from perpetual snow to foamy waves.

Muisca Territory

Nearby Bogota

3 to 10 days

Ancestral Travel

from $58 USD

Discover the fascinating ancestral Bogotá and the surrounding territory: the largest paramo in the world. Connect with the indigenous roots that have remained for centuries until today, and experience their wisdom.