Escape away from your routine, deep dive into adventure and find your purpose in life.

Immerse yourself in the essence of ‘The Legend of El Dorado’. Discover the hidden secrets behind its colonial architecture; to be a local, you must first know its history. Connect with the nature and soul of this territory by visiting La Chorrera waterfall.

In this call we will sit down, we will get to know you better and  we will evaluate your case to find out if this trip and program suits you. 

This happens to you?

Is hard to be disconnected from yourself: nothing flows, everything is difficult or meaningless. Life goes on, and you are the one who is missing.

The power of the Presence

With us you will find that there’s more to life than just work; you will rediscover yourself while traveling, acquiring a new sense of purpose. You’ll redefine the meaning of soul, nature, territory, purpose, traveling, being a local, among other concepts and words that usually pass by in nowadays educational system. 

This is not just a trip to get to know Bogotá, this is a journey where you will feel like a true local and you will have a chance for introspection, cleansing from the unsustainable rhythm that is to be spinning on the hamster wheel and going nowhere. 

A real Transformational trip

Connect with your inner self while you embrace your purpose...

We are the only travel agency in Colombia that mixes inner self realization and development with great adventures and trips all around Colombia.

Discover with us a whole new way of traveling.

The perfect Journey to
Transform Liberate Flourish Connect

Discover the power of the land in connection with your essence

Day 1 - Arriving to Bogotá

Bogota´s arrival

We will pick you up in the airport and take you to the hotel for you to check in and relax, before having the opportunity to explore the amazing gastronomic offer that Bogota has to offer

Sacred Walking Tour

Discover the Muisca´s worldview (the  indigenous inhabitants of this territory and the “real locals”) as we walk the main highlights of the city. Learn the ancestral ways of greeting the territory and raise your connection and consciousness to the land in every step. Through the ancient art of weaving we will learn a system designed for the goodliving and how each of us is a thread interweaved with the universe.

We will visit an Oasis in the middle of the city, full of nature, a “spiritual office” to communicate with the territory and the heart of one of the Muisca´s reconstitution processes. A delicious lunch break before we go visit the Gold Museum, the great Maloka that safeguards the wisdom of the indigenous Colombian elders. After that, we will go to El Chorro de Quevedo, the birthplace of modern Bogota; sit next to the fire and recount our experience while having Cacao and Fapqua (Chicha – traditional fermented drink out of corn).

To close out our day we will enjoy a game of Turmeque, an ancestral game that evolve into what is known today as Tejo while enjoying a tasty “picada” (shared food platter made out of a mix of meets, corn, potato – there’s also a vegan option) and a couple of drinks.

La Chorrera Waterfall, Nature and Meditation

After breakfast we will head towards La Chorrera Waterfall (one and a half hour journey), where we will have the opportunity to stop at a small lagoon that acts as the gatekeeper for the eastern mountains, to present ourselves and ask for permission to enter this sacred territory.

Here, we will learn about the paramo ecosystems and Frailejones, which are “magic” plants that turn humidity into water for the ground; before arriving at La Chorrera Waterfall, the tallest Waterfall in Colombia. Here we will have the opportunity of doing a 7km roundtrip hike, as we connect to a sacred place used for letting go of your deepest worries. After our hike we will enjoy a delicious lunch and head back to Bogotá and farewell our trip. We will take you to the airport for your flight.

Its time to Transform your life

Give yourself the opportunity to see the world with new eyes. Discover the wisdom of the land and the power of connecting with your roots.

Revealing Experiences

Discover the history and ancestral energy of each place, connecting deeply with the land and your roots. Each destination is a gateway to a new understanding of yourself and the world around you, designed to inspire and transform.

Higher Intelligence

Develop your Higher Intelligence with ancestral knowledge and spiritual practices. We help you reach an elevated state of consciousness. Connect with ancient wisdom and find answers within yourself.

Personalized Sessions

We, like you, have walked this path. We know what true transformation entails and we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our experience and passion have taught us that true magic happens when you align with the essence of the land and your inner self. Join us and discover a world of possibilities and personal growth.

We, like you, have walked this path. We know what true transformation entails and we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our experience and passion have taught us that true magic happens when you align with the essence of the land and your inner self. Join us and discover a world of possibilities and personal growth.


If you have made it this far...

If you have reached this part it is because you know that there is a more intelligent way to materialize the life you dream of, you seek to be the expert of your inner world and stop being controlled by your past and emotions.

Opportunities arrive like a train that opens the door once to ask you if you should get on or not.

The perfect moment does not exist.

It is simple.

Stay the rest of your life waking up every morning without motivation, or from now on feel the peace of building a solid inner foundation that will allow you to realize any dream you have.

We only have 10 available slots for this season

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Book a Free Call & Consultation

Schedule your call for a personalized consultation and begin your path to transformation. We are ready to listen to your needs, resolve your concerns, and align with your desires and aspirations. Don’t miss the opportunity to create unforgettable memories and connect deeply with your essence.

About Dream Journeys...

Dream Journeys specializes in creating transformational experiences through regenerative, nature and community tourism. 

Our trips offer you the opportunity to live an extraordinary experience of different unique territories, where you will share with local and/or indigenous communities, and experience being dazzled by the natural wonders they offer.

Our journeys have been created and inspired by love, admiration and the deep respect we have for our natural environment, cultures, and local and ancestral communities. This creates unforgettable experiences for you and our traveling friends.

We began connecting and creating amazing journeys since 2020, in some of the most mesmerizing territories of Colombia. Vaupes, Sierra Nevada, Putumayo, Bogotá and its surroundings. 

Let us help you live your Dream Journey!